Best Outdoor School Near Big Bear
As a teacher, there is so much you can do to make your classroom a place for engaged learning. From games to special projects, you aspire to bring your lessons to life for every student that walks through your doors. As powerful of a difference as this can make, the reality is that a change of pace every once in a while can go a long way toward keeping students energized.
If your students are in need of a breath of fresh air, here’s why you should opt for a field trip to Pali Institute, the best outdoor school near Big Bear.
What You Can Expect from the Best Outdoor School Near Big Bear
An outdoor school is just what it sounds like: an educational retreat that blends the great outdoors with the enrichment of an educational experience. The end results is a unique twist on education that lets students expand on what they’ve already learned and experience subjects they wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to learn. This is what you can expect from our outdoor school.
An Organic Appreciation for Nature
There are plenty of crises in the world today, but climate change and other types of environmental destruction may be the ones that have the largest impact. You can tell your students all day long about the importance of recycling and reducing fuel usage, but when all they see is technology and city life, it may not resonate. A getaway to Pali Institute gives students from any background an opportunity to experience the wonders of nature for themselves. On top of spending time in a wilderness setting, your students will also learn about a wide range of nature-focused subjects from local animals to plant life. This experience could set up your students for a life of environmental appreciation.
A Variety of Activities and Lessons
As every teacher knows, one of the keys to keeping students engaged is to avoid spending too much time on one subject or activity at one time. Students have short attention spans, especially younger students. Throughout their time at Pali Institute, your students will be able to experience a range of new adventures and lessons. We offer options like hiking, art classes, ecology, orienteering, and a class that studies ecosystems and the food chains within them. You’ll be able to choose the lessons that best fit your students’ needs, allowing them to expand on their classroom material while staying active and interested.
Flexibility to Fit Your Schedule
We understand the many challenges to planning any type of school event. You have to work around athletic schedules, exams, holidays, and more. This is why we offer a large degree of flexibility to school groups who visit us. You’ll be able to choose a three-day, four-day, or five-day field trip for your students. We schedule these trips the entire school year so you can identify the perfect timing for your school. You can even coordinate your trip to Pali Institute with your curriculum to help your students get even more from their experience at our outdoor school.
Knowledgeable Instructors
Not all field trips are created equal. Some locations either don’t realize what they’re committing to or they don’t have the expertise and resources to create a truly educational and productive experience. Pali Institute is a different case altogether. Our instructors have various teaching credentials as well as specialized training in the lessons they’re teaching. They know how to work with students of varying ages and help them learn no matter what their background knowledge is. We’re also accredited by WASC and the Association for Experiential Education.
Blending Academic Knowledge with Practical Application
One of the tricks many teacher education programs tell you is to always as the question, “So what?” In other words, you don’t want to just give information to your students. You want to show or tell them why the information matters. This is one of the best ways to keep your students engaged. It’s also one of the most important principles we use at Pali Institute. Through our specially designed facility, we take the material you’ve taught your students as well as new material and show they how it factors into the “real world.” For example, we can teach your students survival skills like how to start a fire while explaining the chemical reaction that makes that fire possible.
A Customized Experience for Each Group
As every teacher knows first-hand, no group of students is alike. As a result, customizability is an important part of our philosophy at Pali Institute. We welcome students from grades four through twelve, so for each group, we cater our lessons to fit their ability levels. In addition to putting our expertise to use, you’ll also be able to choose the specific lessons and activities you want to offer to your students.
Educational Entertainment
No matter how fun learning is, no student will be able to stick with it from morning to night. While our daytime sessions at Pali Institute are focused on education and enrichment, we also have a fun menu of evening entertainment options available for your choosing. Some of these evening activities are educational, like playing Jeopardy, taking a night hike to experience nocturnal life, and star-gazing with our astronomy lesson. Others focus more on the arts, like our variety show, karaoke, and dance.
Giving Your Students the World
Traditional educational settings have definite advantages. They allow you to control your students’ learning environments and to cover a large amount of material on a tight schedule. Every now and then, though, you need to mix it up and give your students a new type of learning experience. If it’s time for a change of pace, contact our Pali Institute team to plan your field trip to the best outdoor school near Big Bear.